Is Your Garage Door Ready for Summer?

Is Your Garage Door Ready for Summer?When the weather warms up, it means that many of us spend more time outside. That may mean that you get out items from the garage to use more often — bikes, strollers, sporting equipment, lawn chairs, and cornhole. We also tend to drive more in the summertime with more daylight hours. If you own a home with a garage, it is really important that it functions in the summertime. No one wants to be fighting with a garage door during the summer months. Rise & Shine Garage Doors can come out and…

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Garage Door Doesn’t Open – What Do I Do?

Professional Garage Door Repair Services in St. Paul, MNMost of the time when you push the button on your garage door opener, you never even consider the possibility that it might not work. We open and close the garage door multiple times a day without a thought. Until the one time that it does not work – then what? You are stuck…if you are lucky, your door gets stuck closed without your car inside, so you have some time to think about a repair. But, let’s face it, we are not always lucky. If your garage suddenly stops working and you need to get what is inside out…

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Importance of Regular Garage Door Maintenance

Importance of Regular Garage Door MaintenanceThink about just how many times you open and close your garage door each day…each week…and each month. You may open it to drive your car(s) in and out, to access recreational equipment, your lawn mower. You also may use your garage to store kids’ items, holiday decorations and many other things that simply do not have a perfect home inside. Over time, all of this use adds up and requires all parts of your garage door to remain in good working order. Routine maintenance is a way to keep your garage door working when you need it and the team at Rise & Shine Garage Doors can help.

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Garage Door Spring Repair Company in MN

Garage Door Spring Repair In ProgressWhen your garage door is not working properly, it can throw your entire day off. Even if you don’t park your actual vehicle in the garage, most garages are still a large point of entry and exit for the majority of homes. So, when you go to press that magical button and it does not work, let our expert professionals here at the Garage Door Spring Repair Company in Minnesota come take a look.

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When Do I Need To Replace My Garage Door

When Do I Need To Replace My Garage DoorHow do you know if you need to replace your garage door? That decision can be difficult because many times, a repair can be made that prevents a replacement from being necessary. Even if your garage door is no longer working, a repair may be less expensive and less complicated than you might think. Rise & Shine Garage Doors can assess any damage or problems with your garage door and help you determine the best next steps

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One Stop Garage Door Services

One Stop Garage Door ServicesWhen you purchased your home, one of the determining factors that pushed you toward the home you bought may have been the garage. Homes with garages are in high demand and have a higher resale value than homes without garages. In fact, more than 80 million homes in the US have a garage door. They are used to store and protect your vehicles, lawn equipment, children’s toys, bikes, exercise equipment, holiday decorations and much more

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Trusted Garage Door Experts For Property Managers

Trusted Garage Door Experts For Property ManagersAre you a property manager in Minneapolis, MN that has been looking for the right company to handle your garage door replacement, repair and maintenance needs? There are multiple garage door companies in the region to choose from, but none that bring the level of expertise and a strong focus on relationships with property managers as our garage door experts at Rise & Shine Garage Doors.

Property managers have to deal with property issues on a daily basis

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One Stop Shop For Garage Door Services

One Stop Shop For Garage Door ServicesLike any machine or piece of equipment, a garage door is bound to break down eventually. Many of us take our garage doors for granted because the view from the street gives us the impression that a garage door is as simple a machine as the front door. However, garage doors are surprisingly complex. Unlike a front or back door to a house which are connected by three or four metal hinges to a door jamb, the garage door is usually connected to the garage ceiling with a lightweight but very strong scaffolding

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